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It is a born condition or can be learn?

What is the definition of Artist?

According to Wikipedia, an artist is a person involved in an activity related to the creation of art or the practice of some art.

In itself, the word Artist refers to those people who master or practice some art ...

But ... artists are born or are they formed?

All human beings have the natural ability to "dance", "draw", etc., but not all of us have the innate artistic-aesthetic sense.

That is, it is not the same to jump and move, to dance with coordination and feeling, or to draw a graphic representation of anything, than to draw or paint in an artistic way.

It is proven that the human brain governs with each of its hemispheres, different characteristics in the behavior and essence of people.

The left hemisphere governs logic, mathematical thinking, the rational and the analytical.

And on the other side, the right hemisphere governs sensitivity, emotionality and creativity ... although there are people who have influence from both hemispheres. (Like Leonardo Da Vinci, who was the Florentine Polymata, who dominated many fields of both, art and science with great skill and mastery)

So ... can we say that art is a genetic condition perhaps?

Because… Definitely everything can be learned!

But ... you have to wonder ... why would you want to learn an art?

Will our nature call us?

Because, according to the biological condition of our brain, (which we talked about earlier) a person whose left hemisphere governs it ... most likely is not interested in learning any art.

And if he did, he would almost certainly end up abandoning the task of learning it.

On the other hand ... those who are governed by the right hemisphere are born artists, they bring it with them naturally and can demonstrate it from a very young age or, they develop it over time. (Although some even though they bring it with them, will never have the opportunity to practice it).

But ... in the same way, they were born with the tendency to art.

It is due to these conditions with which we arrive "pre-loaded" to this life, which in the upper middle grade schools, the division is given by "vocational areas", so that the students can choose where they can develop better their capabilities, based on their skills and abilities.

At that moment we decide whether we are attracted to the arts, or to physics, chemistry, biology or mathematics.

So ... it is very likely, that if you are an artist in any of the disciplines of fine arts, then the predominant side of your brain, is the right side, and therefore ... you have come to this world with art in your heart.

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